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Architectural Lighting Design

Taking Your Project to the Next Level

Architectural Lighting Design is how you take a project to an altogether another level. Like the fourth dimension. You want your project to be unique, to have that particular quality, feeling, ambiance, etc. If so much thought goes into the design of a project, why not take it through dusk into evening and night time. From party or intimate to clean up? Poor lighting design can severely ruin a good project. Excellent lighting design enhances the architectural experience and creates interest, spatial ambiance, mood, etc., 


Villa Serena, Península Papagayo, Costa Rica – SARCO Architects

Architectural Lighting Design

Villa Serena, Península Papagayo, Costa Rica – SARCO Architects


But you may ask: I thought that electrical engineers did the lighting?

Well, the answer to that question is that, unfortunately, that happens way too often. Many architects are not versatile and not able to keep up with this fascinating technology or have the knowledge to sculpt with light and will hand over the plans to an engineer to create the electrical and lighting drawings. The engineer will follow code, place some lights in the middle of the rooms, think about technical elements such as the amount of light, but probably little more.

Architectural Lighting Design is Art and Science in one

Architectural Lighting Design is an art form and a specialization. Lighting Design is both design sensitive and highly technical. We are creating and shaping spaces and moods with light. It is creating textures, accents, balance, and complementing specific functions, all done by playing with light.

To achieve the right results, Architectural Lighting Design involves the vision and creativity to add sparkle or highlight artwork or create depth. It requires the technical prowess and knowledge of photometric data identifying light fixtures that will deliver the concept correctly and the ability to change this with mood, season, and time of day. Lighting technology is a fast-changing industry, and as lighting design experts, we need to continually update with the latest technology, fixtures, controls, and accessories.


Architectural Lighting Design

Cielo Mar Residence, Península Papagayo, Costa Rica – SARCO Architects

Cielo Mar Residence, Península Papagayo, Costa Rica – SARCO Architects


Controlling light and mood

Architectural Lighting Design also has to do with how we control the light. Creating the right mood comes from the ability to set lighting levels depending on the activity in the space. We may want to have a particular light condition for dining and something entirely different for entertaining. Enjoying an outdoor space and creating soothing relaxation? Enjoying a movie in a media room while someone else is reading? Entirely different things. Each requires specific fixtures, set in particular locations, and controlled the right way to deliver the magical results.

Depending on the type of project, Architectural Lighting Design experts will look for different solutions to achieve different goals. A commercial or office environment will focus on well-being, productivity, and corporate identity. Luxury Residences, Hotels, Wellness Centers, etc., will focus on the aesthetics and the mood of the spaces. 


Casa Magayon, Península Papagayo, Costa Rica – SARCO Architects

Architectural Lighting Design

Casa Magayon, Península Papagayo, Costa Rica – SARCO Architects

A deep confusion in this regard is that a beautiful and functional lighting design will break the bank. We’re not saying that you can create a genuinely great architectural lighting design with inexpensive and sparse fixtures. The result of poor quality, placement, and terrible photometrics will show. Ugly scallops and either very yellow or blue light appear with everything in between. 

But proper knowledge of the market, manufacturers, and the continually evolving world of lighting fixtures is key.  This allows us to create magical results without breaking the bank. The industry is highly competitive. Lighting manufacturers are in constant research and development to create better products at lower costs. Knowing how to identify the sweet spots in the market and what brands and products to use for each specific application is the key to achieve exceptional results. We are also always interested in “future-proofing” so that the technology set into your project is not quickly outdated.


Villa Serena, Península Papagayo, Costa Rica – SARCO Architects

Architectural Lighting Design

Villa Serena, Península Papagayo, Costa Rica – SARCO Architects


So back to the original question. You thought the electrical engineers did the lighting? If your project is a warehouse, a factory, or industry, you may let the engineer handle it.

Luxury residences, hotels, resorts, wellness centers, corporate offices, public spaces, are different. An Architectural Lighting Design expert will take your project to that next level.  At SARCO Architects Costa Rica we integrate our expertise in Architectural Lighting Design tightly with our Architecture and Interior Architecture & Design to provide our clients with truly exceptional and unique results.  These are part of the elements in our SARCO System®, our own personalized approach of integrated project delivery, how we provide unequaled customer experience to our international clients.