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Harmonies Magazine features Cielo Mar Residence

One of our signature projects, Cielo Mar residence has been featured in an article in the international design and architecture publication Harmonies Magazine.  We want to thank Harmonies Magazine for the interest in featuring our projects in their renowned mid-east publication.


Published in French and distributed in Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia, Harmonies is a high-standard quarterly decoration, architecture and design magazine, along with an Arabic edition as well for the whole Middle Eastern market.  With Harmonies, readers can find out the recent trends and the latest news and designs in the field.

Harmonies Magazine is added to the numerous international design publications from around the globe that have featured our projects in their design publications both on print and online.  We are proud to support the editorial efforts from different and varying international design and architecture publications with examples of our award-winning luxury home residential design projects.

Harmonies Magazine is published in French, and for those interested you can click on the article below to read the full article.

Harmonies Magazine – Cielo Mar Residence

At SARCO Architects Costa Rica we have now expanded our reach as an International Design and Architecture firm, with our extensive projects for international clients, and now currently working on luxury residential resort design in the Caribbean region.

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