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Interior Architecture & Design

The Devil is Always in the Details

What exactly is Interior Architecture & Design?  Commonly there is confusion about the term and what it means. People often confuse between Interior Architecture, Interior Design, Decoration, etc.

Casa Magayon, Península Papagayo, Costa Rica – SARCO Architects

Casa Magayon, Península Papagayo, Costa Rica – SARCO Architects


Interior Architecture & Design takes care of the details

A custom residence has an endless amount of details.  Many are purely architectural. Many have to do with the interior design of the spaces created by the architectural design. What material should you use for certain surfaces?  Should it have texture, or should it be smooth? If there is a format or pattern, what should that be? How does it work in combination with other surfaces around? Does it create a clear design language?  What kind of mood does this create?

Then you get into more technical considerations.  Plumbing fixtures, accessories, hardware, fittings, etc., all need to be selected.  Each of these items has dozens of options and functions that need to be reviewed and specified.  The myriad of products, finishes, features, etc., today it is almost endless.

Paraíso 354 Residence, Península Papagayo, Costa Rica – SARCO Architects

Paraíso 354 Residence, Península Papagayo, Costa Rica – SARCO Architects


Coordinating Architecture and Interior Architecture & Design

The importance of timely decisions and selections in materials, systems, fixtures, hardware, etc., is essential for any project. The coordination between all these elements and the architecture and the engineering of the project is key to success.  Detailing all the information fully and, at the proper time, makes all the difference.

The integration of the Interiors work with the architectural design under the same roof makes a huge difference.  We incorporate the Interior Architecture & Design services as part of our array of advantages to our clients.  We carefully coordinate the proper decision-making of interior architecture and design elements at the right time in the project process. As decisions evolve and refine during the design and construction, we keep all the key people current and in the know.

Villa Serena, Península Papagayo, Costa Rica – SARCO Architects

Villa Serena, Península Papagayo, Costa Rica – SARCO Architects


What does the Interior Architecture Service Encompass?

Here is a general list of the elements that we design, select, and specify as part of our work:

  • Overall establishment of design style and look and feel for the interiors of spaces
  • Design and selection of surface materials and textures for floors, walls, ceilings, etc.
  • Built-in cabinets and elements custom-built by high-end millwork.
  • Design of manufacturer cabinets such as kitchens, laundries, bathrooms, etc.
  • Select and specify all plumbing fixtures, accessories, finishes, etc.
  • Selection and specification of all door hardware
  • Design of all flooring, tilework, stonework, with choice and specification of materials
  • Design of any custom feature elements in the home


Cap Limón Resort, Samaná, Dominican Republic – SARCO Architects

Cap Limón Resort, Samaná, Dominican Republic – SARCO Architects


Above all, later on, collaborate with either local or international interior designers for the final touches on your project such as the selection of loose furnishings, carpets, decoration, artwork, window treatments, etc.

Cap Limón Resort, Samaná, Dominican Republic – SARCO Architects

Cap Limón Resort, Samaná, Dominican Republic – SARCO Architects


Differentiating between Decoration and Interior Architecture & Design

It is vital to clear up this confusion.  


Some people have good personal taste and involve themselves in decoration and setting up of people’s homes.  These people are usually DECORATORS. And often decorators don’t have any formal career training either in Architecture or Interior Design.  As a result, decorators rely only on their excellent taste and knowledge of exquisite luxury details to produce their results.

Interior Designers

Interior Design is a career with formal training, however in many countries it is not governed or mandated by any professional guild or association. They usually focus on the final look and feel of the spaces, and train in proper composition, design, aesthetics, etc. additionally, they are excellent at creating a specific mood for spaces.  Although Interior Designers have some level of training into the specifics of interacting in construction projects, this is not their specialty. Interior Designers work from involving themselves in the creation of the material schemes to the choice of loose furniture, decoration, rugs, pillows, accessories, etc., etc., etc…

Casa Aramara, Peninsula Papagayo, Costa Rica – SARCO Architects

Casa Aramara, Peninsula Papagayo, Costa Rica – SARCO Architects


Interior Architects

Interior Architecture & Design is a specialization within the Architecture Field.  Interior Architecture focuses on the creation of the look and feel of interior spaces while maintaining clear knowledge of all technical aspects and proper project coordination.  Because of this, there is a certain overlap between an Interior Architect and an Interior Designer. Interior Architects will focus on the materials, textures, fittings, hardware, fixtures, and all needed technical elements. 

The work of an Interior Architect then is similar to the Interior Designer; however, it eliminates the usual disconnect that often happens where Interior Designers come in late into a project and start making changes where project budgets and timelines go completely out the window. Interior Architects will focus on keeping the project team on the same page and will make decisions with an integrated project approach.  

How we integrate Interior Architecture

At SARCO Architects Costa Rica we provide Interior Architecture & Design services closely integrated into our full philosophy.  As we’re developing a design, we’re already thinking about what happens with the interior design.  We’re thinking about how the architectural lighting will actually complement and enhance the architecture and the interiors.  And we’re making decisions on how to best complement each aspect of the project and where to adjust either architectural elements or interior design elements or maybe the lighting to have the best results for the project. Most Importantly, the work of Interior Architecture is closely knit with the project’s Architectural Lighting Design, as well as the overall Architecture, Engineering, etc., to provide a truly integrated approach and solution to all project elements and make the right decisions.  Read about some of our other services such as Architectural Lighting Design, our core Building Information Modeling, etc.