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The Guide for Designing Vacation Homes with Tropical Home Design

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Design tips for your Vacation Home in Tropical Climates

Get some of the best experience-based tips for Tropical Home Design.

In this informative downloadable PDF guide, you’ll discover some of the best tips for Tropical Home Design:

  • Tips for choosing the best exterior window and door system to suit your needs
  • Tips for evaluating passive cooling vs. active cooling for your home
  • Tips on materials for ceilings, floors, etc.
  • Tips on air conditioning systems and ceiling fans
  • Insulation in tropical climates

The product of years of experience in Tropical Home Design

I prepared this guide since over the years I have noticed over and over several misconceptions about the best practices of how to design a home in tropical areas. Many people make the mistake of designing a city home and building it near the beach. Maybe they enlarge the terraces, but not much more.  Proper tropical home design can create a home that you can enjoy for years to come is an entirely different frame of mind, and the design should embrace this.

Many people fail to realize that the tropical areas, even though beautiful in its natural setting, have some of the harshest weather and natural conditions for building materials. Understanding this and making the right decisions will go a long way in making sure your experience of ownership of a home in tropical areas the best possible.

In this guide I discuss things like the different options for window and door systems, and the things that you should look out for when choosing your system. Also, many insights on the pros and cons for choosing the best floor and ceiling materials for use in your home, and why to consider investing a bit more at the start in order to forget about maintenance and repair headaches all the time. Also, what are the essential differences between types of air conditioning systems, and which is the right one for your project?

In this guide, you will discover the answers to these questions – and more.

I hope you enjoy this guide and look forward to your feedback on the contents.

You can also download here our “Guide to Building your Home in Costa Rica”.

Design Tips for Building in Tropical Areas

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