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Boutique Costa Rica Architecture Firm

SARCO Architects is a boutique Costa Rica architecture firm.  We provide high-end design services exclusively for international clients who want to build a custom luxury vacation home or multi-family investment development in the tropics.

Areas We Serve

Although based in San José, Costa Rica, we design custom, sustainable, modern homes and multi-unit development properties to be built anywhere in the country.  We also provide design services for projects in Panama and the Caribbean.  Most frequently, our clients choose to build in highly desirable coastal areas.

Costa Rica has unparalleled natural beauty.  Modern tropical designs by Sarco Architects Costa Rica captures nature as the main player in your new home

Framed by two oceans, Costa Rica is rich in natural wonders.  Lush jungles, breathtaking beaches, amazing wildlife and magnificent sunsets make it the ultimate getaway destination.

Our familiarity with tropical climates and terrain enables us to design environmentally responsible projects that blend beautifully with their surroundings.

Our History

SARCO Architects was founded in 1972 by Heubert Anderson.  In 1995, upon the passing of Heubert, his son, Roderick Anderson, assumed the helm of the company and today continues to operate SARCO along with his wife, who is also an architect.

According to Roderick, “I learned the core of good design and sound construction from my father.  And his values became mine too – honesty, hard work and a compelling desire to delight our clients.”

Our Architectural Style

Although we lean toward modern, tropical design, SARCO Architects doesn’t have a signature style.  We made a conscious decision to not be associated with one particular type of architecture.

Instead, we adjust our approach so every home is a true reflection of its owner’s vision.  We incorporate local, natural materials in a clean, contemporary design, with a keen eye toward blurring the boundaries between the indoors and outdoors.

Construction Experience

SARCO Architects is a design-build architectural firm.  For select projects, we offer a turnkey experience in which we take responsibility for the home from initial concept until the final nail is hammered and the welcome mat placed by the front door.

Our building experience helps us to be better designers.  It forces us to be pragmatic and to think ahead to the construction stage.  We anticipate the technical matters involved in executing our designs.

Ultimately, our goal is to design quality homes that combine architectural beauty with functionality and will provide their owners with many years of happy, low-maintenance living.

Our construction expertise improves our design talent and allows us to know what  truly works and what doesn’t 

Our Clients

The clients of our Costa Rica architectural firm come from all over the world including Germany, Austria, Switzerland, UK, Australia, Canada, Dubai and the United States.

They have widely diverse desires but share one common desire: to own a modern, luxury vacation home or investment property in a beautiful, tropical location like Costa Rica.

How We’re Different

We know we’re not the only architects in Costa Rica, but we are the most advanced.  Most local firms still use 2-D CAD drawings and blueprints, which is outdated, inferior technology.

For the past 10 years (We were the first in Costa Rica!) we’ve been using Building Information Modeling (BIM), 3-D modeling software.  And we use it exclusively, something other firms can’t say.

BIM allows us to build our designs virtually and include the finest degree of detail.  While other local firms may claim they use 3-D modeling, most are new to the technology and use it only in limited applications such as the initial stages of a project and not for their final drawings.

Costa Rica’s Leading Architectural Firm in 3-D Modeling

SARCO Architects has received national recognition as Costa Rica’s most progressive architectural firm in the application of BIM technology to high-end luxury homes.   Graphisoft, publisher of the industry’s 3-D modeling programs, has publicly praised SARCO’s use of the software.

Sarco Architects Costa Rica has been recognised as a leader in BIM technology use in Latin America.

From the beginning until today, SARCO Architects has set a worldwide example of how to apply 3-D technology to design and construction processes. The firm is an outstanding representative of best practices with ARCHICAD.

Sergio Rodriguez· Graphisoft Regional Director, Latin America

What 3-D Technology Means to You, the Client

With SARCO Architects, you won’t have to interpret blueprints to visualize your home’s design.  Our 3-D designs allow you to see precisely how its features will look when built.

The models are transparent and extremely detailed, revealing everything from the views out the front window to the texture of the tile in your shower, from the physical configuration of the structure to the “guts” that make your home work.

Aesthetically and functionally, the features must come together into a cohesive design that can be scrutinized, harmonized and used as a plan for execution.

Benefits of 3-D Technology

Because 3-D models are so precise, they minimize the possibility of mistakes, delays and cost overruns.  The entire project typically moves along more quickly and smoothly when everyone involved – client, builder, materials procurer, interior designer, landscaper, etc. – can clearly see every specification.

What’s especially convenient for our clients is that you can look at the architectural designs remotely.  View them on your home PC, tablet or Smartphone.  Now you don’t have to travel to Costa Rica to make design decisions.

How We Manage Projects 

We leverage technology to make project management efficient.  Using web-based and mobile applications, we’re able to be in touch with you anytime and from anywhere.

Every aspect of your home’s architecture has a designated place online where it can be discussed with team members and referenced as needed in the future.  All information is documented, leaving no room for miscommunication or unanswered questions.

Easy Project Management from Anywhere in the World


As a property’s features are refined and design decisions made, the details are added to the 3-D models and also noted in the project management software.  Everyone working on the project sees the updates, which facilitates communication and efficiency.

How We Communicate

We speak Spanish and fluent English, so you never have to worry about anything getting lost in translation.  We make extensive use of video conferencing for client calls, project presentation, discussion and review.

Communication is also easy through our customized project management applications.  We invite you to be involved and active in the process, which ensures positive progress and a successful outcome.

Our Commitment to the Environment

At SARCO Architects, in keeping with Costa Rica’s eco-friendly stance, we believe in designing environmentally responsible homes.  We pay careful attention to factors such as a home’s solar orientation, placement of windows, and specification of building materials to minimize future energy costs and reduce a home’s carbon footprint.

We use state-of-the-art technology to measure a design’s energy efficiency before construction begins and make adjustments as needed.

Environmentally-Friendly Designs to Reduce your Home’s Impact on our Environment.

Only firm with 11 years nonstop in Peninsula Papagayo Luxury Resort

SARCO Architects brings specialized expertise to high-end custom luxury homes.  Many of our projects have been located in the Peninsula Papagayo Luxury Resort, Costa Rica’s premier resort property destination.

In fact, we are Costa Rica’s only firm with 10 years of non-stop work in homes in Peninsula Papagayo.  We have the most designed and built residences for private homeowners in this upscale resort.

Design Awards

We’ve won numerous architectural design awards including highly coveted international Property Awards, which are among the industry’s most prestigious design competitions. Three of our projects have received awards at this venue, a distinction no other architectural firm in Costa Rica can claim.

However, we never design projects for awards.  We design homes for people, and their desires and vision are what matter most to us.


Three Award-winning projects at the International Property Awards

Contact Us

If you’re considering a custom-built home or investment property in Costa Rica, Panama or the Caribbean, let us explain our architectural design process and answer your questions.  Contact us at SARCO Architects. 

SARCO Architects Costa Rica

Address: Apartado 2098 2050 San Pedro
San Jose 11501-2050, Costa Rica
Phone CR: +506.2283.4107
Phone USA: 1-646-712-9299
Email us at:

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